Sunday, March 18, 2012

What's going on with Beg for More?

Before my next post, I'd like to thank all of those who stuck up for me on The Antagonist. I may seem like a stuck up snob who just likes to insult everybody, but that's not true. I just like to say what I think about blogs, and why they are that way.

But anyways, back to the main subject. Looking through my blogger list this morning,  I found a main list of posts from PSG, BBS, and finally, a post from Beg For More. I was instantly relieved, as Beg For More is one of my favorites, until I noticed, the post was from... five days ago?  I was surprised, because  Beg For More has always seemed very up to date in my opinion. I thought about it for a minute, then clicked on my Beg For More tab button.

Then, I went to check on the poll I had made, on the homepage of The Bomb. I had posted Beg For More as one of the options, and I wanted to see what others had said about it. Again, I was surprised. Beg For More had been voted the MOST  unfavored, when I had really suspected PSG or MDM. See for yourself:

As I looked to see the average time period between posts, I also saw this interesting post title... By Selena (Ruubin), one of the owners at BFM. 

After that post, (Which was deleted, by the way) I started digging for more details. I found some interesting things, a post by Wooldoor, and one my Supa_star4real, both of whom I had no idea they even WROTE there, and a blank post by Patrick (Devie44, who, in my opinion, has always had odd posts), but most of all, Selena was right. 

On average, BFM has about one post a week, mainly they are lucky to have that, because in my opinion, their only active writer is Sarabear123, but even SHE seems to have given up on the blog. I'm not exactly sure why everyone has not posted much, Beg For More is still very popular, what with the usually interesting and thoughtful posts given by the writers, and I think one post a week isn't really asking for much...

I myself think that  BFM should hire new writers, and get rid of the inactive ones, but at the same time, I can understand why she hasn't deleted them, as good writers are getting harder harder to find, as many   of the old bloggers of Stardoll  have been leaving.

It sort of saddens me to write this post, because I really liked Beg For More, but if it is going down, the least we can do is give them more publicity.

Do YOU think BFM is going to last long? Or will it be leaving with the next crowd of elites?
-The Bomb.

P.s I know it seems like I'm copying Fiorama's post on PSG, but the whole reason I made that poll was to see what my next post should be about.

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