Friday, March 1, 2013

Is Today's Top Trends really back?

Recently the popular and classic blog, Today's Top Trends has been in the spotlight, after another of it's beginnings. Now, I'm sure we all know of Today's Top Trends, or TTT's notorious start-overs, most of which last about a week. But is this the start of a new era? Has TTT come back for good?

Observe for yourself. Or rather, let me do the observing for you. The blog is slightly less desolate with a new banner, (nice!) new writers, and new segments. One of which is a fashion exam segment. To be completely honest, those bore me. Especially when the two dolls have nothing in common but the title of fame. For about five seconds.

In the article/barely-two-paragraphs-long-post, Hollyoaksrocks* (aka Khol) starts off by showing a picture of the Emmahunt4 (Hilmy) and Cooldeer123 (Tania). She then rates then and both have sadly low scores. That's it. The end. Whoop dee doo, two girls had a bad fashion day, their loss. If this segment is supposed to be a fashion exam, where's the fashion? Nobody really cares if somebody has a bad clothing day. We've all been there. Just look through your saved catwalk outfits. The horror.

Now let's move onto the comments. I scrolled down, and what do I see? 20 comments. "Oh man, I thought warily, Not again. Another one of those little comment arguments. Let's see, there's going to be the hurt-but-not-showing-it girl who was featured, the girls who stick up for them, the "haha my outfits are fabulous I never get featured in these" snickering teen, the anonymous haters, and let's not forget the defensive writer!

Okay is it just me or is she screaming "I'm insulted!"? I love reading the little privately (Or at least they think so) insulted comments people write after fashion battles. It's like watching a Romeo and Juliet (the play) without subtitles. Stupidly hilarious. 

Anyways, I honestly think these little segments and posts should be posted on a different blog, because honestly they are tacky. Like fake gossip. If I wanted to read posts about stardollian fashion, I would want to read about under-the-radar members with killer style, or rating people with good outfits. Not short posts discussing outfits everyone knows are ugly.



  1. I'm confused...
    You start it off asking if it's back for good and then write an awfully lengthy and somewhat pointless post about one segment on the blog.

    1. Think about it like this: If you had a really popular blog and you stopped posting for awhile, does that mean if you get a new format, new writers, and new segments it will automatically be a great blog again? No. It can still be boring and people won't like everything.
